Monday, November 21, 2011

Growing Up

     Growing up. It's something we all have to do. We must learn to take on responsibility. Get a job. Pay bills. And then there's the question every kid gets asked...
         What do you want to be when you grow up?
     I cannot tell you how much I hated that question. Especially since I was the kid who would give you the blank stare and say, "Uhh, I don't know." Then the adult would give you that look. Yeah, you know the one I'm talking about. The how-can-you-not-know-what-you-want-to-be-you-must-be-thick look. I grew to know that look well.
     Over the years, I have thought I would like to do many things with my life, only to change them days after. Dreams have flitted in and right back out of my heart. One dream, though, has stayed with me since my childhood. And that is, to be a wife and mother. No matter what I would decide I wanted to do with my life, whether it was to become a marine biologist, or a Disney Princess at Disneyland, that one has stuck with me. I believe God has engraved this on my heart, and hopefully one day that dream will come true.
      So now when people ask me what I want to be when I grow up, I can confidently say that I DO know. And it is such a wonderful dream that is dear to my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Emma, of all the dreams you hold in your heart, this one is the very best ♥
    And if, when you tell others who may ask you what you plan to do with your life, they look at you with that "look"; remember, God is smiling at you with the biggest smile ever...and He is pleased with your choice!
